Empowering Patients

Empowering Patients, Connecting Communities

At Intermind, we are committed to revolutionizing healthcare experiences by facilitating seamless communication between doctors and patients. Our patient support program serve as a comprehensive solution designed to educate patients about the benefits provided by pharmaceutical brands and assist them in availing these benefits effectively.

Use case: Bridging the Gap between Doctors, Patients and Pharmacy brands

In today's fast-paced healthcare landscape, patients often face challenges in understanding their treatment options and accessing necessary resources. Our patient support program serves as a bridge between doctors and patients, providing valuable information about pharmaceutical brands' benefits and helping patients navigate their healthcare journey with confidence.

Brand Building

Brand Building

Elevate brand awareness and visibility within the healthcare ecosystem, establishing a strong presence among patients and healthcare professionals alike.

Doctors Database

Doctors Database

Maintain a comprehensive database of healthcare professionals to facilitate effective communication and collaboration, ensuring seamless coordination of care.

Patient Loyalty

Patient Loyalty

Foster long-term relationships with patients by providing valuable services and support, earning their trust and loyalty over time.

Patient Database

Patient Database

Curate a database of patient demographics and ailment profiles for targeted outreach, enabling personalized engagement and support.

Patient Education Program

Patient Education Program

Provide customized tips & awareness programs based on patient disease prognosis.

Running Promotions and Discounts

Running Promotions and Discounts

Offer exclusive promotions and discounts to patients, enhancing their access to pharmaceutical benefits and improving medication adherence.

MIS Dashboards and Reports

MIS Dashboards and Reports

Provide insightful dashboards and reports for informed decision-making and strategy refinement, leveraging data-driven insights to optimize program effectiveness.

Plan Of Action

Maintain Doctors Database

Maintain Doctors Database

Curate and maintain a comprehensive database of healthcare professionals, including physicians, specialists, and pharmacists, to facilitate effective communication and collaboration.

Easy Patient Registration

Easy Patient Registration

Facilitate seamless patient registration through user-friendly online registration forms or dedicated inbound call center services, ensuring accessibility for all patients.

Patient Demographics And Ailment Profiling

Patient Demographics And Ailment Profiling

Capture detailed patient demographics and ailment profiles to tailor services and support to individual needs, ensuring personalized engagement and care.

Educational Initiatives

Educational Initiatives

Develop and implement educational initiatives to educate patients about the benefits provided by pharmaceutical brands, specific to their ailments, empowering them to make informed decisions about their healthcare.

Value-Added Services

Value-Added Services

Offer value-added services such as lab tests, online diet and nutrition programs, and other health benefits, enhancing patients' overall well-being and quality of life.

Assist In Service Fulfillment

Assist In Service Fulfillment

Guide patients through the fulfillment process of value-added services, providing support and assistance every step of the way to ensure a seamless and positive experience.

Patient Accessibility Program

Patient Accessibility Program

Manage logistics and finances for value-added services availed by patients, ensuring transparency, efficiency, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Digital Patient Outreach

Digital Patient Outreach

Leverage digital channels and platforms to reach out to patients for pharmaceutical brand marketing and exclusive offers, enhancing patient engagement and loyalty while driving brand awareness and loyalty.

Why Choose Intermind?

  • Expertise: With years of experience in the healthcare industry, we possess the knowledge, skills, and expertise to deliver impactful patient support program tailored to meet your organization's unique needs and objectives.
  • Personalized Support: Our dedicated team of qualified professionals provides personalized support and assistance to patients throughout their healthcare journey, ensuring that their needs are met with compassion, empathy, and professionalism.
  • Innovative Solutions: We leverage innovative technologies, strategies, and best practices to develop and implement cutting-edge patient support program that drives meaningful outcomes and deliver tangible results for our clients and partners.
  • Commitment to Excellence: We are committed to excellence in everything we do, striving to exceed expectations and deliver exceptional value to our clients and partners, every step of the way.
Why Choose Intermind
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Get Started Today!

Join us in our mission to empower patients, connect communities, and transform healthcare experiences. Contact us today to learn more about our patient support program and how we can support your organization's goals.

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